What is IBM Case Manager | Uses of IBM Case Management

What is IBM Case Manager? 

IBM Case Manager is a policy that simplifies designing and deploying custom-made case management solutions that enhance your capacity to resolve complex cases by providing persistent access to information, workflow, tasks, and analytics.[source: IBM Company]

Case Manager is an expansion of the core (IBM FileNet) ECM product throughout the integration of functionality from several other software products across multiple IBM software groups, particularly analytics, rules and collaboration. There is a new design tool targeted at business analysts, and a user interface environment that is the next generation of the old ECM widgets.

IBM Case Manager Architecture Overview - virtualnuggets.com

IBM Case Management brings together information, processes, and people by providing you with the following key functionality:

  • Rich analytics provided by IBM Content Analytics with several ways to track and measure presentation that is associated with cases and workloads so that you can optimize your cases.
  • A process map that manages the logic for the execution of a task.
  • True content management functionality that facilitate you to store document metadata that you can later amend and search on.
  • Enterprise content management integration that contains complete document lifecycle capabilities including versioning, security, and records management.
  • Template-based resolution that you can easily modify and reuse.
  • An active-content infrastructure that manages the persisted case object model and enables content-based events for case activities. For example, the addition of a document or a field change triggers a case task.

In the Next post we discuss about Interview Questions, in depth about case Manager. For IBM Case Manager Training or Job Support Contact VirtualNuggets.

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